Paris, Claude-Antoine Jombert, 1775.
Deux volumes in-8 (198x121 mm), (4)-xxxvii-(1)-396 pages et 9 planches / (4)-444 pages et 7 planches. reliure : Pleine basane marbrée de l'époque, dos à cinq nerfs orné et doré, tranches rouges, gardes en papier marbré. Reliures un peu frottées, coiffes et coins du tome 1 abîmés, mors fendillés mais solides. Quelques mouillures, un petite réparation au scotch p. 438 du tome 2.
références: Bibliotheca Mathematica [p.46 : "This work is essentially an outgrowth of the hydrodynamics part of Bossut's course in mathematics. The first volume provides an excellent picture of the state of knowledge at Bossut's time. The experimental data presented in the second volume were largely new, and noteworthy even today are his comments on the difficulty of large-scale experiments versus the falsity of those on too small a scale"].
Prix : 400 €